As you know, Misa's neon collection is huge - 12 colors all together. 12 colors means a lot of swatching, so with Scrangie The Greatest we have decided to attack you, guys, form both left and right split our efforts. Please refer to her post to see another 6 colors from this collection.
Here comes a disclaimer. I hate neons. The feeling is mutual - neons are not so thrilled about me, either. They look horrid on me. Imagine a very brightly colored shell parakeet pooping on one's nails right after having a big breakfast of neon markers. Now you have an idea of neons on my nails. Plus, neon is very hard to capture accurately. So, please be gentle with me and forgive my not-so-ideal pics.
General observations:
I thought the idea of releasing a neon collection mid-August was rather odd. However, I received these colors on a very dreadful rainy day, and looking at them - bright and smiley as a bunch of over-caffeinated cheerleaders - was very comforting. Not so bad idea after all.
All of the very few neon polishes I have met before were kinda...dense and chalk-like. Misa neon polishes are complete opposite. The consistency is a bit goopy and drippy at the same time; and they dry to a jelly finish. Drying time is fine. Unlike other neons, usually drying to a matte finish, these ones dried semi-gloss.
I had several issues with applications. Consistency does not allow to make three thin layers (which I prefer) accurately. Polish bulged a bit closer to the tips of my nails. The higher the jelly factor, the worse the application (my biggest problems were with Ready, Set, Sunshine and Bikini With a Martini).
Most of them are opaque in three coats.
I wish for the brushes to had more bounce - this would make handling of a heavy polish so much easier.
Enough words, let's move to the pictures.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat is one of my favorites, yet it takes the worst pictures in the whole bunch.
In real life it's a tone or even two lighter and have some hint of orange in it. Think a typical light pink highlighter.
Girl's Night Out is a very, very bright purple; one of the jellyest (is it a word?) in the bunch:/OK - it shows perfectly on one of my monitors and really meh on another one. Just in case - it's a dark, bright purple/
Ready, Set, Sunshine. Meet your old friend from Driver's Ed - road cone. Or you can think about this color as a carrot which has been consuming way too much energy drinks:This one has the worst opacity rate: in 3 thick coats you can still see the white part of my nails. My guess, if you flash somebody with nails colored in Ready, Set, the person will go blind anyway and won't mind the sheerness of the color.
Happy Happy is yellow yellow and pretty pretty. I would love to wear it, but it's not my color at all:
Bikini With a Martini is the most wearable, at least for me. Bright magenta in a bottle, it looks surprisingly orange on the nails:
Let's Go Green is a very Honda-Element color, if you know what I mean. Nitrate-fertilized lime with a gold shimmer. Amazing shimmer is exactly the same as in Luminous. Basically, Let's Go Green is a chemical-green version of Luminous (sounds weird, I know). Required 4 coats and still was not completely opaque. Again, I love it, but cannot wear this one:
Please excuse some pink inclusions - I cannot stop playing with my brand-new Konad. I thought neon overload would look cute, but you have to use Konad special polish to get neon-bright results (I used Color Club pink).
OK, ladies, enjoy the colors; and I'm off to polish my nails into something muted, subtle, dark and boring.
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